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We Wouldn’t be Here Without You

In many ways 2020 threw everything it could at us, and for a moment we weren’t sure what a mid-pandemic season on Mackinac Island would even look like. What we learned is that there is simply no obstacle too great that is going to keep our visitors from celebrating their favorite Great Lakes destination.

Since we opened our store, Threads of Mackinac on the island in 2019 we have been endlessly inspired by the many rich stories that Mack Island has to tell. We love being a part of guests experience on the island. Whether they be first-timers or grew up spending their summers here, we are always looking for new ways to capture that ephemeral, Mackinac Magic. 

As we look ahead to a new season on the island and prepare ourselves for opening weekend in less than a month, we’re taking inventory of the stories and memories from last year with some visitor feedback 2020.

“We were there in late August for three and had a great time.  We biked and walked all over the island, saw amazing sunsets and sunrises, made a knife at Forge a Memory, ate at the food truck at Stonecliffe and enjoyed every minute,” says Ken from Ohio. “It was our sixth time on the island in 14 years and we can’t wait to go back.” 

Visiting Mackinac Island is a tradition that just keeps giving.

“My husband and I first came to the island back in October 1986 for part of our honeymoon,” says Jennifer, who calls Mackinac her Happy Place. Jennifer and her family would spend many summers on the island until life changed temporarily. “My husband and I again started going back to the island in October 2015 and reconnected with the beauty and tranquility the island offers. We have been back each year since.” This past June, she was even able to bring her 13-year-old granddaughter to the island for the first time. “She too fell in love with the beauty and calm the island offers and did not want to leave.”

Time and time again.

“While it seemed earlier in the year that we may not be able to make it up due to closures and the current state of our world, we actually made two trips and have a third planned in a few weeks,” said Shannon last September. “Mackinac is such a peaceful, grounding place to sooth your soul. The mornings and evenings during overnight stays can’t be beat!”

Even if you can’t stay long, you can still make time for unforgettable moments on Mackinac Island.

“My family, including dogs, made our annual day trip in July. We had a great time walking around and having a wonderful lunch after a huge rainstorm that left us all drenched,” Amy wrote to us last September. “We made it back for our annual long weekend on the island.” For the first time, Amy and her extended family who normally wouldn’t get the chance to come were able to stay on the island. “We had so many laughs and did things we hadn’t done in years.”


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